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Lose just 2% of your body weight from dehydration and you also lose 20% of your physical and mental performance.

This effect is repeated every day by every human in business, sport, schools at home etc. The 2% dehydration symptoms can be seen as short term memory loss, still tired after a good nights sleep, people getting energy drinks and drinking numerous cups of coffee. Others carry their water with them without understanding that drinking water all day can be dehydrating them "8 glasses a day". But what if this was only half of the hydration story. Then it's no wonder we still see the effects of dehydration every day.

As a Remedial Massage Therapist patient dehydration was my number one enemy. I worked with soft tissue injuries that didn't need surgery like sprains and strains of back, knees, shoulders etc. Dehydration would slow the recovery of my patients injuries up to 3 to 5 times than what was a normal recovery time. For example, a stage 2 sprain (partial soft tissue tear) would take 1 to 2 weeks normal recovery time would take 3 to 10 weeks. So needless to say once dehydration was suspected, hydration became a part of the recovery process bringing recovery time back closer to normal.

The 2% Effect seminar helps Businesses, Sports Groups and Individuals understand the different causes, signs and symptoms of dehydration to assist them in the prevention of the of dehydration injuries.


The other seminar is called "My Back".

See Services link to find out more.

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